The GoodSense Blog
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The Pressures Facing General Practice in England: Managing Challenging Behaviour in Healthcare
General practice in England is facing an unprecedented level of pressure. With an increasing patient load, staff shortages, and mounting administrative demands, healthcare professionals in GP surgeries are also dealing with another critical issue: a rise in challenging and aggressive behaviour from patients and the public.
Suffering From Anxiety Working From Home?
A huge number of employees in the UK have been forced to work from home over the last few weeks, due to government restrictions to control the spread of coronavirus. However, being forced to stay cooped up in your house the entire day and lose contact with your...
Preventing Coronavirus Leading To Workplace Conflict
Some colleagues may become concerned they are not being perceived as efficient because they are not visible and, therefore, send emails just to prove they are working.
Lack Of Tech Skills ‘Leads To Workplace Conflicts’
A recent survey found that nearly half of those asked believe technology has a negative impact on work-life balance.
Why You Should Take UK Self Defence Courses
There are all sorts of benefits to going on UK self-defence courses, whether it’s because you want to find a fun new way to get some exercise, want to do some teambuilding exercises in the workplace or to give you increased confidence in the face of a threat to you or your business.
Businesses Urged To Prioritise Conflict Management Training
The call has now been made to increase investment in training, providing managers with the tools they need to prevent and manage conflict at work
How To Combat The Winter Blues
Finding yourself back at work after the Christmas break can be disheartening, no matter how much you love your job. It’s cold, it’s dark, and everyone is feeling pretty miserable. It’s times like this when tempers can become fractured, and discussions become...
Have You Caught Up With Bouncers On Channel 5?
The Bouncers series follows security personnel around the country who step into situations that previously would most likely have been dealt with by police.
Why Christmas Leads To More Conflict At Work
There are several reasons why heated moments can occur even during this seemingly joyful festive season.
Physical Attacks On Stockton Teachers ‘On The Rise’
A report sent to the Stockton borough’s audit committee has revealed that attacks on teaching staff in the area climbed from seven to 30 compared to the same period in 2018
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