The GoodSense Blog

Welcome to the GoodSense Conflict Resolution Training Blog. Our aim on this blog is to keep you up to date on what is happening around workplace violence, conflict resolution, conflict management, personal safety and physical interventions. You can also subscribe to our free, monthly conflict resolution training news, tips and strategies email newsletter.


The Pros and Cons of Blended Training

Some of you may be familiar with Blended Training and maybe some of you are not, I am going to give you an overview of what to expect and the pros and cons. Blended Training is a mixture of theory (usually done via e-learning packages) and practical learning (usually...

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Lone Worker Danger

So how do you use the signs of danger and how to combat them if you are a lone worker? Well, a lot of the signs are very similar, they will still shows signs of flight or fight but they may be harder to spot when you are busy with other things and in an open...

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Anger Triggers

What are anger triggers and how do we combat them? Anger triggers may vary from person to person, but to generalise, what angers you? Most of my trainee candidates will volunteer; bad service, being ignored, being patronised, being discriminated against, witnessing...

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