Business Skills eLearning
Essential business skills elearning courses
Business Skills eLearning Courses
Below are all our available business elearning courses.

Data Protection in the Workplace – £35
If you or your organisation handles personal information about individuals you have legal obligations to protect that information. The benefits of good data safety are numerous and include, good business practice, the protection of people’s rights and the protection of your organisations reputation.
In recent years some companies and individuals have experienced serious legal consequences for data protection breaches and this highlights why it is so important to get it right.
Training should be a vital part of any company’s data protection policy.

Conflict Resolution in the Workplace – £35
Conflict in workplaces is not only inevitable, it can actually be valuable. That is if it is handled correctly and focused on the right areas.
This course will consider what conflict is as well as its impact and role in the workplace. We will consider some of the triggers for workplace conflict and how it develops before looking at a number of different ways of managing it.

Equality, Diversity and Discrimination – £35
We’ve all heard and used the words ‘equality’ and ‘diversity’ before but what do they actually mean and how do they affect you as an employer or employee?
Well if you take the words on their own they are actually quite different, equality is the state of being equal, especially in rights and opportunities. Diversity is the state of being different or varied.
However, these 2 things should not be seen as opposite to each other, after all, people can be different but they still have the same rights.
When it comes to places of work there is legislation in place to ensure that we all meet our responsibilities in relation to equality and diversity… And one way to make sure we meet these responsibilities is through training.

Stress Management – £35
The Health and Safety Executive states that ‘work related stress develops because a person is unable to cope with the demands being placed on them’. This can come from any aspect of their life but it often comes from demands placed on them at work.
So why is stress a problem in the workplace?
Well the latest estimates show the total number of cases of work related stress, depression or anxiety account for 39% of all work related illness.
Some occupations may be more susceptible to stress but it can affect anyone and can impact on health, ability to function effectively at work and at home and in relationships.
This course will cover an introduction to stress and why it’s a problem, some of the causes of stress and some ways to minimise the risk of stress.

Time Management – £35
Good time management will improve and enhance the time spent in the workplace and can even go a long way to improving the quality of the work you produce.
For most people however this is easier said than done. We’ve all experienced that feeling of having more work to do than we can possibly complete in the time we have.
This can lead to increased stress… dissatisfaction… and demoralisation…
This course can help, by introducing you to some of the theories and techniques of time management that can really make a difference.

Facebook for Business – £90
Facebook is the world’s largest social network. With over a billion users it’s very likely that a proportion of your target customer audience will have a Facebook account. In the ‘Social Media for Business’ course you’ll have been encouraged to research and investigate the preferred social media platforms used by your target audience, so you should have a good idea at this point if Facebook is one of the right platforms for you.
Using Facebook in your business is about providing an effective means for your customers to interact with you and connect their friends to your business. Recommendation is the most powerful way a potential customer can be connected to a business, particularly when it’s being recommended by a friend. So if you know that a trusted friend likes a particular brand, you’re much more likely to engage with that brand.
Facebook is essentially a platform designed to facilitate social interaction between people with whom you’ve already established some mutual recognition.

Linkedin for Business – £90
Linkedin is a very well established and respected social network with over 259 million users in more than 200 countries. It’s known as “Facebook in a Suit” or the most professional level of social networking for businesses.
Linkedin is a very valuable tool to find the key decision makers within certain companies. It’s used for finding the best point of contact, gaining familiarity with their background before a call or sales pitch, making such contact much more effective.
It’s a social network for professional people. Normally a person would create a Linkedin profile that would include career details and would update their information periodically as to their current appointment. It would often include a personal statement, personal web address and possibly testimonials from employers and members of staff. If the person has particular interests both professionally and personally they may subscribe to one or more interest groups to receive updates and discussion opportunities.

Twitter for Business – £90
Twitter is a social media platform that is used by a wide range of people, from celebrities, who use it to communicate with their fans to companies and brands who can use it to engage their customers and attract new ones. It is also used by people for the social aspect – to chat and share information with friends. In fact, there is no restriction to who or what can have a Twitter account and often a larger company such as Starbucks will also have individual accounts for each product such as Frappuccino’s and even individual store locations.
Using Twitter successfully requires a significant commitment of time – being active is key to your success. It’s all about the image you create, and the best‐viewed companies are the responsive ones.

Social Media for Business – £149
Giving a successful presentation can be one of the hardest parts of many peoples jobs. Ultimately preparation will be the key to success when it comes to giving a presentation, but how do you make sure you are prepared enough? What about the structure? The content? How should you use visual aids? Being a successful presenter also involves understanding your audience, their expectations and needs.
This course covers the common mistakes people make when preparing for and giving a presentation so you can avoid these, as well as going over good practice and providing some practical advice that you can put to good use the next time you have a big presentation to make.

SEO for Business – £149
Right now, potential customers will be searching for your products and services ‐ and if they don’t find their way to your site, you could be deferring them to a competitor. Imagine if your website could rank above your competitors’, using the kind of search terms that turn your visitor traffic into revenue. When it’s done well, search engine marketing can give search engines exactly what they need to put your website in a prime position on search engine results pages.
The key is understanding what search engines need ‐ and since 90% of all searches in the UK are via Google, this pretty much means understanding Google. This course will explain the proven techniques that will help you reach and maintain the number one results spot.
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